STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

U5G9 USBX without ThreadX

CubeMX: 6.11.0STM32U5: 1.5.0uVision:, I saw the latest post about USBX baremetal now being possible and thought i would give it a try.I want to read USB drives and usb uart port to PC for comms. but get the following errors in uVision when...

PhilipC_1-1714130818521.png PhilipC_0-1714130748026.png
PhilipC by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G071RBT - no USB under Connectivity in CubeMX

HelloAccording to RM0444 reference manual - STM32G0x1 advanced Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs, the STM32G0x1 provide the USB 2.0 communication port. The X-NUCLEO-SNK1M1 board connect the D+ and D- to the PA12 and PA11 pins.But:In the CubeMX under PA11 pin ar...

xenos by Associate
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STM32CubeMX Configure USB Host

Hi I am currently using STM32CubeMX version 6.4.0 to configure the STM32H7 series. I have configured it as a USB host, and I want to send messages through USB. Therefore, I called the USBH_CDC_Transmit function. However, when this function reaches th...

lekaho by Associate
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USB_Host_Library / FreeRTOS Problem

Hello All,We've been struggling with getting hard faults originating in FreeRTOS generated code, but triggered by initialization of a USB optical mouse.  The symptoms and stack trace are nearly identical to a previous unreproduced / unresolved post:h...