User Activity

When attempting to configure USB_OTG_HS and corresponding USB_DEVICE_M4/M7 middleware on STM32H747XI (on either M7 or M4 cores), the "STM32_USB_Device_Library" directory gets included on both cores, causing the core that isn't using the USB periphera...
There are several good options for implementing an MCU bootloader from an embedded Linux host. Unfortunately, I have hardware that is already in production and therefore I am not able to implement any of the industry standard and simple ICP (In-Circu...
I have used MxCube to enable an ISR that is triggered from an external GPIO input pin. MxCube enables this ISR from the autogenerated MX_GPIO_Init() function by calling HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI15_10_IRQn); at the very end of this function. I don't wan...
I am using the STM32L4S9AII6 clocked at 120MHz. This device is being used as a slave to a master that is clocked at a much higher frequency. They communicate over the SPI1 bus. I am trying to optimize the rate of communication between these two devic...
I am working on the STM32L4S9AII6 MCU. I have timer 6 configured in 1 shot count up mode. Interrupt is enabled. How do I stop a one-shot timer that is already running? I've tried a bunch of things but no matter what I do I can't get the timer to work...
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