STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Newbie with newbie problems Oscillator start up ?

Hi People, for the since start of year i've been setting up boards with Texas C2000 , and for the past 6 months infineon tri-core processors.  I may be changing jobs and it involves STM32 so i'm getting a head start. I have a STM32373C-EVAL , as i ne...

John_S by Associate II
  • 14 replies
  • 3 kudos

Resolved! How to get interrupt handler generated by CubeMX?

Hi guysI want to generate a time base by a general purpose timer interrupt (TIM6) on a F334 with low level library. I do not know why, I get init functions fine but no interrupt request handler is generated, nowhere.It should be very simple, I though...

stm32cubemx and keil

if you want to use ADC to DAC and have 200hz output. what is the first thing to do? connect the ADC to the DAC or set the output frequency first until it reaches 200hz?


I have a DAC signal from an ADC (potentiometer). I have set the frequency from 0-200 Hz but when I run it when I am at 200 and the sign should still be there, the signal on the oscilloscope disappears (just a straight line). does anyone know how to f...

program dac & dac nucleo

i have a code like this :but i iwant to ask why result signal in my code freq max is 1,5k and minim 200 hz bu while i want to freq max is 200hz and freq minim is 0 hz, and why while value adc under 100, freq in osiloscope lost?main(void)://DAC#define...

Resolved! DMA ADC with potentiometer

i have program like this and from the program i have the output like this (picture) and i used the potentiometer to find the value is AD_RES_BUFFER: the potition of picture is disable of DMA Countinous Request ADC ANALOGbut the potentiometer work (pr...

meriarajagukguk_0-1722506627093.png meriarajagukguk_0-1722506745039.png

Resolved! keil program with nucleo stm32xubemx

if i have int angka_test = 10;int a;while (1) {output = output_start + ((output_end - output_start) * (angka_test - input_start)) / (input_end - input_start);a = angka_test;__HAL_TIM_SET_AUTORELOAD(&htim2, output); } why 'a' if i seee form watch is 0...

dac & adc with stm32cubemx and keil

I have a project using nucleo stm32f334.With the way it worksI get the adc value from the 12 bit potentiometer. Then I want to display the value using dac and see the frequency, period and voltage from the oscilloscope.I want the magnitude of the fre...