STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

IWDG and handling of window option during HAL_IWDG_Init.

HAL_IWDG_Init is implemented in file stm32L4xx_hal. Here two statement from the L476 documentation: a) "When the independent watchdog is started by writing the value 0x0000 CCCC in the IWDG key register (IWDG_KR), the counter starts counting down fro...

MJord by Associate
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SPI3 Clock not working on NucleoU575

Hello all, I want to use a NucleoU575 board to test an accelerometer sensor.I have written the driver for this accelerometer and currently, without having it connected to the Nucleo, I am trying to check whether my SPI3 Clock is working.This is the c...

KKots.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H745II VOS with SMPS supplying LDO

Greetings,What is the reason for not being able to use the SMPS (or the SMPS supplying LDO) option for VOS0 on STM32H745II?VOS0 means the highest voltage, so won't the dissipation on the LDO be the highest?I have been using the PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_...

DTomi.1 by Senior
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No interrupt in SDcard with DMA on STM32L476 and CubeMX

Hi, I have an unsolved issue with SDcard.The project is based on STM32L476, the IDE is Atollic and configuration is made by STM32CucbeMX (as I do with all my designs).Without DMA (no DMA template in FATFS and no configured DMA channels) the SDcard wo...

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MarcoM by Associate II
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