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Hi,I made project that samples audio signals from the ADC at a constant rate. The trigger signal for the ADC conversion is generated by a timer. Now here's the thing:The code works fine on my STM32L432 Nucleo, STM32L4R5 Nucleo and STM32F429 Disco, bu...
I have trouble with sporadic Hardfaults and I tracked it down to some unaligned access in the USB routines. Although the code uses the macro __UNALIGNED_UINT32_READ, the STM32 will still causes the Hardfault for unaligned addresses. So I looked at th...
Hi, I made a minimum CubeIDE project for a Nucleo-L4R5ZI. It clocks the RTC from LSE using the X2 quartz (NX3215SA-32.768kHz-EXS00A-MU00525) and outputs a 512Hz calibration signal on PC13. The output frequency is only ~492Hz which is a deviation of ~...
Sending display data to an ILI9341 via SPI. The ILI9341 needs 16bit words in BigEndian. When I convert the STM32 LittleEndian data to BigEndian and then send the data paket as 8bit bytes everything is fine. In order to save the conversion I tried to ...
In the latest firmware for STM32F4 (STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.1) the libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a file is 3025kB.In the latest firmware for STM32L4 (STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.0) the libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a file is 5235kB.I found that in the version for STM32L4 ...
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