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New STM32Cube ecosystem update

Community manager
Community manager

The STM32Cube ecosystem is continuously evolving, with the latest release of STM32Cube MCU packages bringing significant updates.  

STM32Cube MCU packages provide optimized drivers and middleware, offering full access to hardware features and ready-to-use examples. These packages are extended by STM32Cube expansions, which include additional application-specific middleware and drivers for companion chips. 

These essential software components for STM32 devices are regularly updated to support new hardware and include new software examples, enabling developers to achieve more, faster. 



Key changes in the latest release: 

  • New tools and versions: The latest STM32Cube tools include STM32CubeMX configuration tool v6.13.0 and STM32CubeIDE v1.17.0. Additionally, there are new versions for eight existing STM32Cube MCU packages and two brand-new packages to support the introduction of the STM32WL3 series and new STM32N6 microcontrollers. 
  • Enhanced STM32C0 package: Now, includes support for the latest STM32C051 and STM32C091/92 microcontrollers. 
  • Updated packages: New versions have been released for STM32U0, STM32U5, STM32WB0, STM32WB, STM32WBA, STM32H5, and STM32H7 series. 
  • Maintenance updates: Applied to STM32F1, STM32F2, STM32L4, and STM32G4 packages. 

What can I get from GitHub? 

All STM32Cube MCU package repositories on GitHub are regularly updated.  

HAL driver directories are submodules of specific repositories and are updated roughly monthly. To stay informed, follow the HAL repositories for specific STM32 series. 

For the latest GitHub news, subscribe to the STM32Cube MCU Overall Offer discussion or read the STMicroelectronics GitHub blog post. 

How to get more details about what is new or what was changed in each release? 

1) If you download the STM32Cube MCU package from, you will obtain a .zip file. Once the package is unzipped, you can find a Release_Notes.html at the root. For instance, at the root of the STM32Cube_FW_N6_V1.0.0 folder. 

2) If you are working in STM32CubeMX, the STM32Cube MCU package is downloaded by the tool and stored under C:\Users\’your windows user name’\STM32Cube\Repository\. 

3) In the GitHub repository, for proper rendering, do not click on the Release_Notes.html file. Click on the file to open it in your browser, and you will find a link to the release note inside. This is the fastest way to read the release note without downloading the full package. 

To discover the latest updates for each MCU package, download the PDF attached.

Additional resources: 

First published on Dec 17, 2024

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