User Activity

Running my application in the Simulator, after a few seconds on a screen with a ScrollList I get this assertion. Can anyone tell me what components use excessive amounts of these timer objects, so I can try to work around it?The same code running on ...
I have a running STM32F7 project with TouchGFX on a custom board. Now I need to create a MS Windows application where config files can be edited. I thought misusing the simulation.exe generated by TouchGFX might be a good way to go. Same user interfa...
The position of the text containing only a dot on a Button with Label is wrong. Left picture is a screenshot from TouchGFX Designer, where the dot is well aligned. To the right a framebuffer-screenshot of the actual application running on target hard...
I just did a search with "touchgfx language custom container" because text language will not change inside custom containers on the current screen when calling Texts::setLanguage()*. The search engine isn't aware of the existance of TouchGFX and repl...
Just got a batch for giving my second Kudo since this new software is online. I already got one for my first login and also for the second login... and a lot more... as all of you. Are we grown up people here or is this kindergarten?Instead of creati...