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When i want to init uart8static void MX_USART8_UART_Init1(void){huart8.Instance = UART8;huart8.Init.BaudRate = 115200;huart8.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B;huart8.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;huart8.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;huart8.Init...

wjian.2 by Associate II
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Murata SCA3300_d01 sensor SPI_DMA communication

I am using NUCLEO-L4R5ZI MCU to communicate with Murata SCA3300 sensor. As an initial step I am trying to read WHOAMI to check weather SPI communication is established. According to data sheet of the sensor returned value should be 51h but I am getti...

shub by Associate
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ST-Link/V3 MINIE / V3 Mods UART flash

I have a question for you. The STM32 F303 processor can be programmed using the UART interface. I have ST-Link/V3 MINIE and V3-Mods and I'm trying to flash the processor using UART (I know it's possible via SWD but I absolutely need UART) After conne...

yaawl by Associate II
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Crypt AES GCM is not correct

i use STM32F439ZIT6U and activate crypt function like below capture   and use library function   status = HAL_CRYP_Encrypt(&hcryp, (uint32_t *)inputStr, sizeStr, (uint32_t *)outputStr, HAL_MAX_DELAY); But outpustStr does not come out correctly like...

화면 캡처 2023-08-08 163254.png
daniel97 by Associate
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Motorola 1D Barcode Scanner using USB Host HID

In one of my projects I'm using USB Host with STM32F407, It's working fine for both keyboard and mouse but while using Motorola Barcode scanner i face some issue related to USB host ID as it keeps on changing. It will connect with " HID_Device " Id, ...

Can't wake up with RTC on certain period

Hello!I am trying to wake up STM32L4 from STOP2 mode on each 3 seconds using RTC.This is the RTC initialization code:static void MX_RTC_Init(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 0 *//* USER CODE END RTC_Init 0 */RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime = {0};RTC_DateTypeD...

LMehm by Associate II
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Resolved! Having a problem with the USART on my STM32WL55JC2.

I am having a problem with the USART on my STM32WL55JC2. I have configured the USART correctly, and I am using the correct pins, but the USART is not working.I have tried the following to troubleshoot the problem:I have checked the configuration of t...

ABell.5 by Associate II
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