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SDIO 4 bit mode with STM32CubeMX

I would like to use SDIO with 4 bit mode with FatFS. I use STM32F429I Discovery board and I wired a micro SD card board to it. The SD card is a 16 GB SanDisk Ultra A1 card formatted to FAT32.This is the micro SD card board:

djhtml by Associate II
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STM32WB Fast Programming with FSTPG

Greetings,We are adding an OTA procedure to our firmware that depends on a small loader at the start of flash which is responsible for programming the main application written to program flash at a higher address.  The procedure works fine as it is, ...

Resolved! STM32G030 SPI master read issue

I use in my project stm32g030f6p6 to communicate with ADXL345 by 4-wire SPI. I have no problem with transmition, yet with reading I run into serious problem, that doesn't mentioned in Errata.My SPI configuraton is CPOL 1, CPHA 1, speed 1MHz. I use Lo...

KhPaul by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F767 QSPI Slave

Hi, I have the following questions about QSPI in STM32F767:1.  Is it possible to configure the board as QSPI Slave? I could not find any option in the CubeMX Tool to choose between master and slave. 2. Is the QSPI peripheral of this board strictly li...

Resolved! STM32H5 transmit/receive raw IEEE 802.3 ethernet frames

Hi,Thanks in advance for your attention.I'm wondering if any examples are available about transmit and receive raw ethernet frames.The examples in STM32CubeH5 use the TCP/IP stack NetXDuo and transmit packets built on the upper layers of the stack an...

LU by Associate
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SPI Receive

Hi, I am working on SPI to communicate with the AD9959 from analog device, I'm analyzing the MOSI and MISO signal with probes on an oscilloscope and can see that  I can successfully write and read from the device, the thing is that HAL_SPI_Receive() ...

Vueko by Associate III
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Setting the F407 FSMC WaitSignalPolarity default value

Hi All,I have a 407 connected to an FPGA using the FSMC interface.When I compile my device configuration from ST Cube, the WaitSignalPolarity value in the MX_FSMC_Init routine is always set to: FSMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_POLARITY_LOW. On my system I need this ...

Toneski by Associate III
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Resolved! Can only transmit one SPI byte?

Hello,I am trying to use SPI1 on the STM32H742VITx.I believe I have configured SPI1 I/Os and CR/CFGR fields correctly.  However, when I try to transmit bytes via SPI I am able to transmit one byte, but after that the SPI_SR_TXC bit remains at 0.  Her...

briankaz by Associate III
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