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stm32F4 discovery with Ethernet interface

Posted on February 19, 2012 at 11:52Hello I had a project concerning connection the stm32F4 discovery with Ethernet interface. The problem is that I still can’t configure my board using the stm32 eval examples find in the st siteCan anyone guide m...

SDIO Widebus operation failure

Posted on February 20, 2012 at 02:31 A bit stumped on what to try next. I'm working with an SD card (2GB). I'm using the SDIO interface. The initialization sequence is failing during the change to widebus operation. Specifically it's failing inF...

shannon2 by Associate II
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the reset pin of stm32

Posted on February 19, 2012 at 10:56When power on , the reset pin functions well. But after several minitues, the reset pin goes to 2.x V and then goes to 0.6V. I just soldered a simple board, only the power and IC and caps and oscillator. Someone a...

Does STM32L-DISCOVERY and WITH Keil MDK Light V4.23

Posted on February 18, 2012 at 18:08I am able to open, compile and download both supplied projects from ST for the STM32L-DISCOVERY Framework. When running in DEBUG mode when the debugger excecutes the function Icc_run() at about line 221 in the AN3...

Cadence/Allegro footprints and symbols

Posted on February 17, 2012 at 20:46Does anyone know where I can find a Cadence/Allegro footprint for the STM32F407IGT?  This is the LQFP176 package.  I would also like to find a Cadence/CIS symbol.  Is there a better forum to ask this question? Tha...

stockel by Associate II
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create a frequency, use CC1 as overflow

Posted on February 16, 2012 at 16:18Hello, I want to create flanks with an Timer4 interrupt. I works if i use the interrupts from  external flanks. Now I want to create the flanks with an internal frequency. Its a little  complicated to describe all...


Getting start with IAR 6.30

Posted on February 14, 2012 at 15:27I'm trying the IAR EW6.30 to get start with STM32VL discover board. Following the pdf in the ''stm32vldiscovery_package'' folder, trying to run the demo project of the AN3268, I open the workspace in that folder: ...

Timer change output compare mode to PWM

Posted on February 15, 2012 at 16:19Hello, I want to use a a advanced control timer (TIM8) of my STM32F103ZG (on STM3210E-EVAL) for motor control. I have problems generating the PWM signal at the right time. I initialize the timer the same way as in...

Clock for ULPI PHY?

Posted on February 16, 2012 at 22:17Greetings,We're having a hard time telling whether or not the STM32F207 will drive the clock for the PHY.  There is a sentence in the datasheet that says, vaguely   External HS or HS OTG operation supporting ULPI ...

eleventen by Associate III
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