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Forum Posts

Reading data from flash memory

Posted on July 24, 2011 at 18:22Hi, i'm working on stm32f100x microcontroller..I've written data in flash memory and i've to read it; in stm32f10x_flash.h file i don't have found a function for reading memory..How can i read a location of memory? ...

Please point me to SD Card software

Posted on July 25, 2011 at 21:20I am away from my main development system.  I have the STM32F10E_Eval board with me.  I thought I brought the app note SD card software.  Can’t find on  It would be a big help if someone could find it and pr...

picguy2 by Associate II
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stm32F207 + external flash

Posted on July 16, 2011 at 12:22Hello. sorry for my English. I develop an application with a stm32F207 and a external flash memory (NAND) 4 GB. I read the datasheet, but I not understand if I can do or if the microcontroller through FSMC, can contro...

gmosfet9 by Associate
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Resetting a Timer

Posted on July 22, 2011 at 09:04Hi, I have the following problem. I have a RFID-Reader Chips from Melexis (90109) connected to two GPIO Pins (Clock and Data). I process the incoming data with an EXTI handler that is triggert on the falling edge of t...

Reset Problem? SOLVED

Posted on July 24, 2011 at 12:52Hi,My application would only run when I provide an external reset to my board (but when I use a JTAG debugger, it seems to work fine).Is this a problem with the embedded power on reset? Do I need a delay at power-up?

cerdani by Associate II
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Problem accessing RTC->PRLx

Posted on July 25, 2011 at 00:40Hi All,I am trying to change RTC->PRLH and RTC->PRLL.The second WHILE hangs.I keep re-reading the same paragraph in the STM32F101xx reference manual (UM0306, CH8), but I can't see what I am doing wrong. Preceding code...

How to Update Timer period ???

Posted on July 23, 2011 at 21:37I have tried to update Timer 2 with new period value without any good resualt. I use two channels on Timer 2 as PWM outputs, The PWM works fine, But when i tries to update the period value in timer 2 the PWM signals d...

lizerd by Associate III
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SPI DMA delays or misses SYSTICK ISR?

Posted on July 10, 2011 at 23:26I have SysTick generating an IRQ every 100 usec. With no SPI DMA occurring I see about 881383 isr occurrences in 90 seconds (ideally 900000) if all clocks were perfect. When I enable fairly active  SPI DMA while runni...

gds23 by Associate II
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Defining GPIO ports as inputs

Posted on July 22, 2011 at 11:07Hi there, I am fairly new to programming these chips, I am currently coding using the IAR Embedded Workspace and loading my program onto an STM32F100 LQFP48 chip.Currently I have pins PB8, PB9, PB10, PB11, PB12, PA11,...


Posted on July 19, 2011 at 10:34Hello, I am trying to combine my project with USB host project. And every time I compile I go straight to Hard Fault Handler when I enter into USBH_Init(&USB_OTG_FS_dev, &MSC_cb , &USR_Callbacks); The USB host project...