2010-06-12 6:04 PM
phase shifted PWM on stm32
2011-05-17 4:54 AM
Do you have one uC for all 3 DC converters or each Converter with own uC?
If you have one uC, do you intend to use one Timer with 3 Channels or seperate Timer for each Converter ?2011-05-17 4:54 AM
Hi Janvi,
I have one CPU controlling all 3 converters. As I'm still designing the board, I can either select a different timer for each one or a single timer with 3 channels. The way I see it possible is to have a three timers in parallel slaved to a master timer and use the one-shot mode to generate the pulses as that way i can control both the pulse delay from the trigger and the width. However this means that the slave timers need to reset automatically for each trigger. Do you see any problems with this approach or maybe there's a better solution out there?