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Forum Posts


Posted on June 05, 2012 at 09:10Hi Andrew, I work on an application with a STM32F207 and a eMMC memory (THGBM4G8D4GBAIE). I have some questions for you. Do you use a file system ? which ? I use the RL-Flash from Keil but it seems to not support sect...

STM32F105 Spontaneously Erased

Posted on June 02, 2012 at 01:27I have not received back two units with an STM32F105 that appears to have been erased in the field.  The units are sealed, and show now signs of tampering.  When received there is no response.  When we connect the JTA...

Stephen28 by Associate III
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STM32, 'simple' issue of changing IRQ priorities (!)

Posted on June 02, 2012 at 18:46Hi All,Is there an easy way to change the priority of TMR1interrupt ? I need to change it so that it has lower priority than USART1, 2 & 3.The M3 TRM, while being quite comprehensive appears (to my simple mind) almost...

F207 USART TXE issues

Posted on June 04, 2012 at 16:29Hello. I am seeing issues witht he TXE interrupt firing for no reason. Here is my IRQ handler: #define COM3       USART3void USART3_IRQHandler(void) {     uint8_t x;    // Get Byte from DR in case of Overrun     if (...

stbbrad3 by Associate II
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Usage of SPI1 and SPI2 on STM32L-Discovery

Posted on May 30, 2012 at 18:19Hi,I am trying to understand the operation of the STM32L-Discovery with the aim of setting up SPI transactions between two STM32L-Discovery devices.When I look at the specs:1) SPI1:SPI1 is defined on PA4, PA5, PA6 and ...

gavin2 by Associate II
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SPI Flash

Posted on May 31, 2012 at 10:04Hello I am working on LCD project (Fractals) and i need large buffer for storing iteration values, so i can calculate fractal and when paint it. I need to store 8b number, total of 130560. so what would be around 1Mb. ...

linas2 by Associate II
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Reading from SPI (Bidirectional one line)

Posted on June 02, 2012 at 05:01 Hi all, I'm trying to use the SPI interface of a TFT controller that uses only one line for write and read. I have the following problem: 1)First I set the SPI direction as Tx and write one byte data to...

talhakoc by Associate
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ADC Calibration

Posted on May 23, 2012 at 16:31 I am trying to figure out if the ADC calibration is reset when the ''ADC_DeInit'' function (from the peripheral library) is called after previously calibrating. My guess is that it does, since the ADC_DeInit funct...

tbenson by Associate II
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Wake up from STOP MODE STM32L152

Posted on May 31, 2012 at 10:05Hi all, I have to be sure before I will make another step in my project: Can I wake up the STM32L152 from the STOP mode by any edge on any pin? In other words: can I configure any pin as input to wake up from STOP mode...

olek by Associate
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