SPI and interrupts
Posted on February 01, 2012 at 12:44Hi, Is there any known problem/limitation on having interrupts during SPI comunication (between micro and external flash for example)? Thanks. #spi2-sck-open-drain-output
Posted on February 01, 2012 at 12:44Hi, Is there any known problem/limitation on having interrupts during SPI comunication (between micro and external flash for example)? Thanks. #spi2-sck-open-drain-output
Posted on July 02, 2012 at 03:22Hello,There is only one eth driver without low level functions for PTP time-stamp on official site, and stm32f207 is different from stm32f107, so i want to know when the full-function eth driver will be provided on of...
Posted on June 08, 2012 at 23:56Hello all, I am using stm32f217 on my target board. it has a mutiplexed 8MB psram. My problem is my one 16bit write changes the value written by previous 16bit write. write_ram16(0,0xaaaa)-->16 bit write at offset 0, ...
Posted on July 01, 2012 at 00:01Hi all, i used pubblic code of GPIOTOGGLE taken from ST site, i try to modify it for toggles led when user button was pressed. i used this modify to main.c STM32vldiscovery_PBInit(BUTTON_USER,BUTTON_MODE_GPIO); whi...
Posted on June 30, 2012 at 09:40Hi guys, i managed to flash my stm32f107vc via the internal bootloader, but i have problems to get the program running after it. When I reset the MCU the PC is somewhere at the beginning of SRAM i think (0x20000000)....
Posted on June 30, 2012 at 15:22Hello,I'am using two STM32F207IG with the UART1's configured as RS232 (8n1,115200, no flowcontrol, asynch) connected via null-modem.Each 10 �s the master sends a byte to the slave (status bit USART_SR_TC is set).My pr...
Posted on June 27, 2012 at 11:42Hi All,i am using IAR KickStart Kit for STM32F107VC i have 3 of this board and i am trying to setup like one board will be master and two boards will be slave. the master board should send signal to the slave at exact...
Posted on June 28, 2012 at 16:39Good day everybody !I have two strange problems with GPIO in STM32L151CBU61) This code I compile in Keil. Using an oscilloscope I see the time ports switching. Why PB7 switches slower than PA5 PA11 ? HS...
Posted on June 29, 2012 at 10:24Hello everybody, I begin with CortexM4 STM32F4 on a keil developpement board (MCBSTM32F400) I try to use USART1 in a very simple mode. I take a look to example and discuss forums. My config seems to be good but no sig...
Posted on June 29, 2012 at 11:36Are there signed ST Link (STM32F4-Discovery) drivers that work with Windows7/8 64 bit?When I install the driver (downloaded from the ST site), it does not complain.However, the device as a yellow question mark against...