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STM32F4 Advanced Timers question

Posted on July 10, 2012 at 20:12Hello, I my application, I need to control multiple ( >3) half bridges and measure current(s) synchronously as well. Question 1: Is it possible to synchronize the counters of Timer 1 and Timer 8 (and others?) so that ...

STM32F board

Posted on July 11, 2012 at 09:29to be migrated, sourceId: 2562:74F499D6-C293-4561-BFB5-4F1489999957 #stm32-boards

biralti by Associate II
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spi 16 bit mode slave

Posted on July 09, 2012 at 21:06I have a problem. I connected to spi stm32f103 and stm32f405. The data is transmitted, but only 8 bits. Initialization codes below. What is the problem?Code for master (stm32f103):SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Direction = SPI...

TIM5 timer problem

Posted on June 10, 2012 at 16:47There is a missing table in RM0090 para: 14.4.3 TIMx slave mode control register (TIMx_SMCR), Table 60: TIMx internal trigger connection on page 395 I am trying to use TIM1 timer as a prescaler to TIM2 and TIM5 tim...

elis by Associate
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stvp source code

Posted on July 03, 2012 at 16:47Hi, I need to force a reset on the stm32L32152 after the stvp programming session. On the st site,there is the stvp source code and api example. I saw the list of exported functions that may be called in EPRCORExx.DLL...

DSP CMSIS library compiling problems

Posted on June 14, 2012 at 15:17Hi,I'm using the STM discovery board and IAR (IAR-STM32F407ZG-SK) board to write the preliminary FW routine for my project. (the IDE is IAR)The problem start when I try to use the DSP library function in my programs.T...

PWM output example for Stm32f4 is so confusing

Posted on July 11, 2012 at 09:25Hi, I trried to understand how to calculate pwm output from example that comes with Stm32f4-Discovery-FW1.1.0.   The file is in Project > Peripheral_Examples > TIM_PWM_Output > main.cThis is the most confusing part in...

ARPE - auto-reload preload enable bit (explained ?)

Posted on July 10, 2012 at 11:28The reference manual states, ''The contents of the preload register are transferred into the shadow register permanently or at each update event UEV, depending on the auto-reload preload enable bit (ARPE) in the TIMx_...

John F. by Senior
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stm32 + fsmc(parallel lcd) signaling problems

Posted on October 01, 2011 at 21:35I closed the old thread for this lcd so that others my search for this thread more easily in the future. okay, so i have a ST32F103VET6 and a ili9325 based lcd im trying to control using FSMC. the code compiles and...