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stm32L series adc question

Posted on January 11, 2013 at 18:05Hi to all, I'm using a stm32L152V8 100pin 64k.the question regards the adc peripheral and the gpio of the mcu. 1)I'm putting an analog signal on the PA0 pin configured as analog input(this signal goes from 0v to a ...

timer delay deviation with stm32f051

Posted on January 24, 2013 at 16:18Hello, I'am struggeling with a timer delay function, I've made a delay_us() function with help of timer14 However, when I have a delay which is close to zero I have lots of deviation. Here is my initialisation:#de...

evert2 by Associate II
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prescalar for RTC has no effect

Posted on January 24, 2013 at 01:58Recently migrated from STM32F1 to STM32F4, trying to set up an alarm which fires an interrupt at 512Hz using LSE with prescalar (RTC_AsynchPrediv, RTC_SynchPrediv), more or less as follows:  /* Enable the PWR clock...

Recommended Oscillator for STM32F407

Posted on January 25, 2013 at 01:05I have designed a custom board around STM32F407VET.  I am using 8 MHz external oscillator (ABRACON ABLS-8.000MHZ-B2-T) with 22 pf load capacitors (CL) and 220 ohm REXT.  When I probe OSC_IN or OSC_OUT pins using lo...


Posted on January 24, 2013 at 17:03Hello,I need to design a system which will compress a data with rate of 1000:1 minimum in the range of  determined time.I want to compress data (tera bytes to gigabytes) and to save to SD card.I searched about open...

irmakci by Associate II
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STM32F4discovery measuring a pulse duration

Posted on January 22, 2013 at 16:53 I am having some trouble setting up an external pulse duration measurement on a Timer. Ideally I'd like to capture the duration of just the first incidence of a pulse on the desired pin, but that could require ...

Bootloader Issues

Posted on January 21, 2013 at 10:50having difficulty getting a custom bootloader working. Basically this is a MSD device bootloader, using USB MSD and SDIO Sdcard drivers and Chan FATFS. Note MSD only runs if there is not a valid binary file on disk...

STM32F4 Interrupt Delay Issue

Posted on January 24, 2013 at 08:03Hello,I have been working with STM32F4 Discovery for a while. I haven't had any trouble before but I found some problems that I want to know why it happens. Currently, I'm trying to use external interrupt at 125kHz...

hslwlim by Associate
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