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I2C slave not ACK

Posted on January 14, 2014 at 21:59 </p> I have an issue with STM32F0 Discovery. I am using I2C1 (like master) to send start condition and address to I2C2 (slave) on the same board. I am able to generate propertly the signal but the IC2 (slave...

Discovery Kit STM32f0308 - USART QUESTION

Posted on January 17, 2014 at 16:40Please help,I am able to transmit on USART1 okay. They receive does not appear to be working.I am using the provided discovery code, with the following USART Setup- (I modified this slightly from the half-duplex co...

vendor by Associate II
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Unable to program STM32F1x using the ST-link/openOCD

Posted on January 09, 2014 at 12:31Hello, I like to program my STM32F103 with the ST-link/V2 device by using openOCD. However I got next message: Error: flash write failed at address 0x80016f8 Error: error writing to flash at address 0x08000000 at o...

evert2 by Associate II
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STM32F103 USB VCP receives only byte by byte

Posted on January 17, 2014 at 13:08Hello, Maybe anyone have met with situation or have any hints where to look for problem if I receive data in ''EPx_OUT_Callback()'' function only by one byte, even if it was sent significantly larger amount of it. ...

lauris by Associate II
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STM32F4 Discovery with ADS7870 (TI) ADC

Posted on January 15, 2014 at 10:19 Hi, I'm trying to communicate between the the ST microcontroller STM32F4 Discovery evaluation board. I'm using IAR and at the moment I'm just trying to read register 31 fro...

camila by Associate II
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Speeding up VCP OTG USB communication

Posted on January 16, 2014 at 12:29Hi there!I'm trying to transfer as much ASCII as possible from my STM32F4Discovery board.Basically I'm doing this:while (1) {   APP_Rx_Buffer[APP_Rx_ptr_in]=APP_Rx_ptr_in;   APP_Rx_ptr_in++;   if(APP_Rx_ptr_in == A...

Standalone STM32L152CC guidance

Posted on December 20, 2013 at 09:03Hello, I will be making (or trying to make) my own custom board with STM32L152CC (LFP48 package). I have successfully implemented my application on the STM32L152RC Discovery board using:  - 3 GPIO pins for PWM  -...

klemen by Associate II
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