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Forum Posts

Changing EXTI lines

Posted on January 18, 2014 at 20:49 Hello, first I am sorry if I didn't need to open new thread. I searched through lot of examples in this forum, about EXTI. And most of them were similar to my problem, but non of them helped. :(<br>I am using ...

STM32F1 ''No target connected''

Posted on January 18, 2014 at 11:21Hi, I got this error message after I download my code which have remap pin PA13,14,15(JTAG and SWCLK pin) to use as GPIO and TIM2.Normally I should be able to download new code by get boot pin to high but this time...

STM32F429I-discovery SPI Troubles

Posted on January 12, 2014 at 07:43 Hi, I just received my STM32F429 discovery board and I tried to implement basic SPI but I'm stumped as to why the logic analyzer output was different. Can anybody point out were I was wrong. Here is the code. ...

shan_rei by Associate II
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Hard fault test

Posted on January 17, 2014 at 18:09In order to test the Hard Fault interrupt, I modified the Systick example on ''STM32F0xx_Discovery_FW_V1.0.0'' as follows.. on main.c I added two lines: ------------------------------ int main(void) { uint8_t* Byte...

Incremental Encoder to STM32f407

Posted on January 15, 2014 at 20:51Hi I am trying to understand how to interface incremental encoders to stm32f407 ( 2 encoders) : my problems : Which pins can I connect to it; should I connect to the pins directly ?  . How can I did  detect the ...

sami by Associate II
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how to generate RTC counter increment delay for 100ms

Posted on January 17, 2014 at 14:36I have Implemented RTC with counter increment delay of 1 second, but I am not able to configur it for 100ms. Here i have attached RTC configuration code, can anyone please tell how to configure RTC prescalar regist...

aru by Associate II
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TIM1 ISR not triggering - STM32f4xx

Posted on September 17, 2013 at 00:15I am trying to use the ISR for TIM1, but it does not want to trigger. I run the following code in debug mode on my IDE, but the TIM1 ISR code never gets executed.I believe that the problem may have something to d...

dibs by Associate II
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sdio fatfs problem

Posted on January 17, 2014 at 01:56i use fatfs with sdio but i have problem with this SD_Init(); return 0 good disk_initialize(0);  return 0 good  disk_status(0) ; return 2 error disk_read(0,inbuf,0,1);  return 3 error  

elec_st by Associate III
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I2C slave not ACK

Posted on January 14, 2014 at 21:59 </p> I have an issue with STM32F0 Discovery. I am using I2C1 (like master) to send start condition and address to I2C2 (slave) on the same board. I am able to generate propertly the signal but the IC2 (slave...