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Forum Posts

One USB port work as cdc device and host

Posted on January 31, 2014 at 22:59Hello, I have a question on the usb cdc. Is there any possible to use the same USB port to work as cdc host and cdc device? I have board with one USB port and the board need to tell what the equipment is connected ...

kqian by Associate II
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STM32L100 - DFU bootloader from HSI & missing errata pdf

Posted on January 31, 2014 at 16:56I'm planning to use some of new STM32L100 most probably in one of RB or R6 version mcu in upcoming project. 1) Does anybody know, when will ST release errata notes to those versions (there is only errata pdf for R...

pa2 by Associate II
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Posted on January 31, 2014 at 14:45Hi I have following question: On the datasheet page 113 there is a note for calculate the ENOB: ENOB = SINAD / 6.02 - 0.292 Now I'm wondering because the right formula is ENOB = SINAD - 1.76dB / 6.02 !!! Why do you...

roger by Associate II
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Writing/Reading to flash

Posted on February 02, 2014 at 18:20 I have read the ST Flash programming manual and looked at the ST examples. I am using STM32F103VC. I wrote some code to initialize and write/read from flash memory. This is just a test, but I end up in th...


Posted on February 02, 2014 at 23:56Please provide guidance: I am attempting to configure i2c on STM32F0308-Discovery Like to use PIN 46/47 as PF6/PF7 i2c1_SCL and i2c1_SDA/* FROM DISCOVERY Driver Enable peripheral clock using RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd...

vendor by Associate II
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input capture issue on STM32F051, not on F100/F103

Posted on February 02, 2014 at 10:50Hello, my input capture code TIM1_CH3 (PA10) works very well on an F100 or F103, but not on the STM32F051. If i submit the debug session of the test code the GPIO and TIM1 register looks like ok. It looks like an ...

ingo by Associate II
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STM32F103xE Input read max speed

Posted on January 30, 2014 at 20:46Hello,I'm trying to sample the PB0 pin on the STM32F103RET6, the mcu is configured to 72MHz. I have an obscure 3.34Mhz clock/data signal I'm trying to capture. I was wondering what the maximum sample rate of the di...

arko2600 by Associate
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