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STM32F427 internal NOR flash driver and application

Posted on May 02, 2014 at 18:10Hi, I am trying to implement firmware update on STM32F427 based custom board. I found that the STM32F427 has 1MB internal NOR flash. Where do I get the driver for it? Also, can someone provide a sample code to access l...

hiharsh by Associate II
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STM32F4 function call overhead

Posted on April 08, 2014 at 17:15Hello,I'm fairly new to the STM32 processors, but got to like them quickly. Currently working with the STM32F401RE on a NUCLEO board, I made an observation I can't explain. Maybe somebody else can (easily).I let the ...

PWM Help with Nucleo F401 - From Scratch

Posted on May 02, 2014 at 13:23I'm stuck on figuring out how to set a PWM output with the F4 Nucleo board.Could a kind and gentle soul please walk me through all of the code needed for a simple 10kHz 20% duty PWM on PA5, which is connected to LD2 on...

bsanborn by Associate
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Ethernet coomn in stm32f407

Posted on April 30, 2014 at 15:34I want to communicate stm32f407(bare metal) with the PC using ethernet (TCP/IP) and send as well as recieved data....How to do this can ay body guide me....I have experinced in writing linux systems  but not with thi...

sanjib by Associate III
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ADC with USB on STM32L

Posted on April 29, 2014 at 12:20Hello,I am trying to make send ADC data over the USB of STM32.For the USB part I am using STM32 USB-FS-Device firmware library from ST.In the samples given I see that in order to make USB work, USB pins are not confi...

STM32F429i - Discovery PWM

Posted on April 30, 2014 at 19:55I was wondering what is the problem with the code that I have copied and changed the pin configuration. The objective of the code is to have a PWM output on the LEDS of the STM32F429 Discovery Board. The LEDs are ass...

zereflai by Associate II
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stm32l100 UART

Posted on March 31, 2014 at 09:09Hello,   Im trying to communicate via UART (USART1 stm32l100) ,...Implemented own Hardware Flow (Software way to assert and dessert ,.RTS,CTS,HRDY , according to the  requirement of my application,...)Now need to sen...

sundar by Associate II
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