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STM32f4 Standby Mode example Problem

Posted on July 05, 2014 at 10:50HiI started working with STM32f4 by STM32F4-Discovery Board.The first Document that I started using it is firmware example.But in Standby Mode example I've encountered with some problem with my ST_LINKAfter I build PW...

razi by Associate
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Problem configuring STM32F4 Discovery as SPI slave

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 11:25 Hi, I'm currently trying to make SPI communication between PIC18F2580 as master and STM32F4 Discovery as slave. The communication doesn't work, both master and slave receives 0xFF all the time. I have it ...

flukeco by Associate II
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STM32F429ZI - erasing upper half of 2MB flash

Posted on July 03, 2014 at 21:20We're writing a bootloader and found out that flash sectors 0-11 (lower bank) can be erased, but sectors 12-23 (upper bank) can't (by a program running from flash). The chip sets WRPERR bit in FLASH->SR register, whic...

rs by Associate
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PWR_EnterSTOPMode not reducing current consumption

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 12:00I am developing an application based on the STM32VL Discovery board centred around the STM32F100RBT6B microcontroller. The application interfaces with an SPI TFT LCD based on ST7735, a set of user push buttons, SPI EE...

Program is not running

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 15:36Hello , I am using  flash loader demonstrator for downloading the code to stm32f10x.When i download the code to my processor over usart1, its not running. I've tried this many times but the result is same. It crashes ...

LIS302DL returning 0xFF.

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 19:56I am using STM32F4 Discovery Kit .I have been trying to use the on board LIS302DL When i try to read the OUTx,  OUTy, OUTz, registers i get some data but when i read Status Register i get 0xFF,  Any Idea whats going o...

ERROR (expected ';', ',' or ') when I include a .h

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 12:15Hello,I know my problem is a little bit vague but I can't find a solution...I have this classic error when I compile:  [cc] C:\Users\Jean\Desktop\PYRAMID CODE\src\IOs\MIDI\midi_in.c:196:51: error: expected ';', ',' or...

Long delay using timer

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 09:46 Hello, I program a firmware for very simple logic controller and I have problem with using a timer as exact delay generator. I need to generate delay from 1 sec to 250 minutes (15 000 sec). In the code down is...