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Posted on July 04, 2014 at 15:36Hello , I am using  flash loader demonstrator for downloading the code to stm32f10x.When i download the code to my processor over usart1, its not running. I've tried this many times but the result is same. It crashes ...
Posted on April 04, 2014 at 13:21I cannot get into DMA mode, the code  I wrote did not get into DMA  interrupt. The code I wrote is as follows. Any advice?( my processor is STM32F103ZG) uint8_t RxBuffer1[100];  /*UART - Pin Config*/  GPIO_InitTypeDe...
Posted on January 09, 2014 at 09:30Hi ,I'm trying to use UART4 with DMA Rx Interrupt , and using stm32f103zg microcontroller. but i couldn't find any example project for this in here.Could anyone help me about this matter ? #dma #stm32
Posted on May 27, 2013 at 15:58Hello , I want to try use a function that is without  SysTick_Handler Interrupt : I wrote this function  : void DelayUs(int us) { unsigned int cnt; while(us-- >0) {    cnt = SysTick_GetCounter(); // get systick count...
Posted on February 14, 2013 at 13:28I would like you use an external SRAM (is62wv2568bll) employing FMSC module in STM32F103xG. In example projects referred in AN2784 entitled ''Using the high-density STM32F10xxx FSMC peripheral to drive external me...