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Forum Posts

peripheral clock speeds on STM32f207

Posted on May 21, 2014 at 21:43i am using STM32f207i have a flash memory connected to SPI2.  I used the ST examples and i got it working, read/write, .. great, ... the problem is the speed ... how fast can i run SPI2?  There is a setting SPI_InitStr...

epataky by Associate II
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PWM problem

Posted on May 27, 2014 at 19:17Dear all,I have tested the pwm on the STM32F429 EVAL board. It seems all ok.Then I have seen with oscilloscope that with low values of duty cycle from 1% to 20% the pwm works for a while then stops and then restarts.Wi...

Configuration differences STM32F401 to STM32F4?

Posted on May 26, 2014 at 10:50Hi, I just try to get an STM32F401 running, but it somehow does not seem to work with the standard STM32F4 system-startup files (e. g. from STM32F4 discovery). Is there some comparison PDF about necessary changes when ...

flyer31 by Senior
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STM32F107RC USART2 TX Problem

Posted on May 27, 2014 at 13:53I use an STM32F107RC board and use  USART2 interface. But USART2 Tx doesn't send first four bytes of each data transaction. I have tried both INTERRUPT and DMA mode.What is the problem? #dma #usart #stm32

Cannot get my board to start USB bootloader

Posted on May 27, 2014 at 18:31We've designed a simple test board for stm32f407 but I am failing to figure out how to activate USB bootloader. I have boot0 pulled high and I have boot1/PB2 pulled down as Pattern1 in AN2606 tells me to do. The diagra...

arro239 by Senior
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frequency capturing

Posted on May 26, 2014 at 09:18dear all,i am developing the project with the name frequency module, here i am trying to capturing the frequency from 10 hz to 999hz , i am facing some error in the capturing , if i give constant freq it varies with th...

USB host library getting started

Posted on May 26, 2014 at 16:02Hi there, i'm trying to set up a STM32F429 as a host for mass storage devices. I'm using emblocks IDE with firmware generated by CubeMX (STM32CubeF4). The cube library has an example project for an usb host, which unf...

philipp by Associate II
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