2014-05-17 03:12 AM
Hi all, i tryed the online mbed compiler but it does not satisfied me and so i'm looking for an offline solution.
Can you help me to setup an offline IDE like eclipse, netbeans or visual studio? Is this board like arduino (compile and debug via usb)? Thanks #nucleo #ide-debugger-eclipse2014-05-17 07:07 AM
The board has an on-board ST-LINK/V2 debugger, and a virtual serial port connection attached via USB.
The debugger can be used directly from tool chains like Keil, and serial output view by standard terminal applications.2014-07-21 02:39 PM
I'm using Eclipse and GCC ARM toolchain.The setup is described here:http://hertaville.com/2012/09/16/part-3-debugging-openocd-0-6-0/ (3 parts series)Thanks,Rafal