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STM32F103 CAN Transceiver

Posted on October 10, 2014 at 16:15Hello everybody,I am searching for a CAN transceiver for STM32F103 based board I am developing.I was interested in the AMIS-30633 transceiver, it is automotive certified and it is ISO 11898 compliant. The STM32 CAN...

emilio by Associate II
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STM32L100RB Faulty USB SIE???

Posted on October 04, 2014 at 09:18I've been spending quite some time trying to get the VCP from STSW-STM32121 to work on my STM32L100RB project to no avail and this is what I have found. DP is being pulled up by the 1.5kohm resistor but never does ...

DMA not responding stm32f3 discovery

Posted on October 08, 2014 at 22:46 Hi, I am trying to read a sequence of 2 values on ADC1 .I made the code without dma work then i decided to use the dma.I did some research and came out with those lines of code: When i debugg the buffer ...

d4ng3r09 by Associate II
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STM32F3-discovery and LSM303DLHC DRDY

Posted on October 12, 2014 at 20:57 I have a STM32F3-discovery board, and I have set up a little test. It just captures ALL input on GPIO3 and count them by channel. Then every seconds, I have a breakpoint with which I look at the numbers, ...

bifrost by Associate II
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PLL configuration with HSE bypass bit

Posted on February 13, 2014 at 21:41 I have the STM32F303 on a custom board with an external clock. For testing firmware development, I'm using the STM32F3 Discovery board, also with an external clock. We need to run at 72MHz, so we use the ...

STM32L100 Discovery - low power mode

Posted on July 26, 2014 at 11:41 Hi all, I have been trying to measure current consumption for low power sleep mode with STM32l100 Discovery board. I'm using most of the code gathered from STM32 standard peripherial library without any co...

marko23 by Associate
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STM32F429 Touch screen tutorial

Posted on October 11, 2014 at 00:26Hi everyoneI'm working on a project and I'd like to use the touch screen on the F429 board. Problem is, I have zero experience working with touch screen controllers and I have no idea where to begin. Can anyone poi...

stone by Associate II
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USB Endpoint0 IN OUT wierdness

Posted on October 06, 2014 at 18:43I'm having problems with my USB project.  I can get the GET_DESCRIPTOR from my computer and as you can imagine I immediately attempt to send out the descriptor, but it's not going well. The DIEPT0SIZ immediately de...

drobi001 by Associate II
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CAN loopback very weird problem

Posted on October 10, 2014 at 19:25Hi ST forums,I wrote a piece of code to try out CAN_TX and CAN_RX to loopback the data into from PD1 (CAN1_TX) into PD0 (CAN1_RX). It seems to be working (I get back what I sent). Then I realized even if I unplug t...