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Forum Posts

STM32L051 battery backup

Posted on December 16, 2014 at 15:58hi everybody, as far as i understood the data in the RTC registers are lost after a hardware reset or the power is lost. So the next idea is to use a battery as a backup. But after reading the data sheet and refer...

STM32F205zc ADC scan mode singel crosstalk problem

Posted on December 16, 2014 at 14:16I have a problem of crosstalk between sequence channels scan automaticly on the ADC3,2 of the MCU. It is look like it is depend on the sequnce of the sample becase the voltage changes on the first scan channel inf...

Barbie by Associate II
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STM32L Discovery Board - OPAMP question

Posted on December 05, 2014 at 11:10I have a question about the OPAMPs present in the ucontroller. According to STM32L1XX.H 3 OPAMPS are available that can be used by driving the inverting/non-inverting input and output to different pins of the boar...

Doubt in Keil uVision

Posted on December 11, 2014 at 10:18Hello guys,I´m developing an application in Keil uVision and I am getting this message.What does this parameters mean?Program Size Code = ¿Flash?RO-Data = ¿?RW-Data = ¿?ZI-Data = ¿?

gerardo by Associate II
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PWM working but i can not change a pulse, STM32F3

Posted on December 15, 2014 at 17:19 Hello everybody, I've been working with my STM32 and to be honest I'm going to throw it out through my windows soon. I set a PWM (TIM1, CH1) and it actually was working preety well. Than I want to chang...