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Forum Posts

FIR filtering on STM32F4

Posted on March 12, 2015 at 09:36Hi,in my application, I need to make signal filtering using digital filters.I take ARM's DSP library and fir example, but it is not so useful for me, because there are samples stored in memory already and they are us...

tm3341 by Associate II
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STM32F105 SPI2 issue

Posted on March 13, 2015 at 19:06Hello all, I faced problems with SPI2. First I interfaced a graphic LCD on SPI bus and could not get to working properly, though it works well on an Atmel 8 bit controller. Spent more than 3 weeks without much luck. ...

nps by Associate II
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DMA double buffer with STM32CubeMX

Posted on November 09, 2014 at 23:37I want to use DMA with double buffer. STM32CubeMX provides options for normal and circular buffer. Should I select circular buffer and then modify the source or is it better to wait for the next version of STM32Cu...

sdim by Associate III
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Invalid clock pulse on I2C

Posted on March 11, 2015 at 09:04 I am using microcontroller STM32F On reading EEPROM operation with I2C microcontroller gives 7 clock pulses instead required 9. There is fragment of transmitting on picture. When this cause o...

sdianoff by Associate II
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STM32F207 and STULPI01B Registers

Posted on August 21, 2013 at 17:05Hello. I have been searching the forums and cannot find an answer, hence I am starting a discussion here. I have been using the STM3220G-EVAL board and the HS USB onboard PHY (obsolete NXP device). I have since crea...

ckern by Associate II
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STM32L1 SPI throughput

Posted on March 13, 2015 at 16:17Hello, I'm running an STM32L151 at 32MHz and SPI BaudRate = fPCLK / 4. The device is an SPI Master, and tries to read a Slave as fast as possible. I'm using DMA TX and RX to speed up things. I can see the SPI clock r...

Kuikui by Associate III
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USB CDC state detection

Posted on October 04, 2013 at 17:53Hi All, i'm using STM32F407 in USB CDC mode, i'm having issue when i'm sending bytes from STM to PC, client application on PC is minicom, issue is when i close minicom and STM runs into ''frozen'' state until i...