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frecuency limit

Posted on December 22, 2014 at 19:54 i'm triying to set a timer with a period of 1 us for a input capture application but i get a maximun of 600 khz (more o less). A led toggling at 300 khz. i can reach accurately any value under 500 khz ...

jdpv by Associate II
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stm32f407 pwm control both dutycycle and phase shift

Posted on December 14, 2014 at 11:26 I'm new with the stm32f407 discovery board and I'm trying to make 4 signals which I can control phase shift and dutycycle. The thing is, when i set my timer on PWM mode I can't control phase shift between chan...

zarkscon by Associate II
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TIM14 Period Measurement

Posted on December 22, 2014 at 17:36I have an existing STM32F407 family target that has a pulsed signal at PF9.  I need to measure the period of this signal.  This signal has a fixed low time followed by a variable high time.  PF9 can serve as an in...


uprogrammed STM32F4

Posted on November 22, 2014 at 18:35Hi Are some PINs on an unprogrammed device high or low? I have an unprogrammed STM32F4 and a short circuit on the power supply 3.3V, therfore I can't program the chip... Regards

dominik by Senior
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STM32F4-discovery GUI_DispString()

Posted on December 21, 2014 at 11:43Dear friends.I try to use StemWin libraries with STM32F4290-discovery. As a base I used ADC-DMA project.The code is the following: RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_CRC, ENABLE); SDRAM_Init(); GUI_Init(); GUI...

baev_al by Associate III
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unique ID of mcu

Posted on December 20, 2014 at 20:25hi every onei have 2 question :1- is there a unique ID for each stm32 mcu ?how we can read this(if there is ) ?2-i need to save a few data in mcu which dosent erased after reset (like eeprom )is there any internal...

mhdizgah by Associate II
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