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How to store temporary more data?

Posted on August 03, 2015 at 10:07Hello,I'm using the STM32F405 microcontroller.For my application/calculation I need to store temporary a lot of data, which exceed my SRAM.To expand it, without using an external SRAM, I had following ideas:- Use th...

STM32F3 Bootloader Application wrting to flash..

Posted on August 03, 2015 at 13:35Hi,I am using STM32f3 ARM cotex3. I am working on Firmware Upgrade  where one of my code executes from 0x08000000 and other i am locating my 2nd application at 0x08010000 . I have used two method one with the scatte...

STM32f427 SWD reset issue

Posted on May 21, 2014 at 14:51On the board is STM32F427ZGT6 with SWD connection used alog with ULINK2 and KEIL 5.1 uVision.The SWD connection is not recognized withot SWJ checked on, since at reset 32F427 switches to JTAG communication. The test pr...

evgen by Associate
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STM32F407I power up problem

Posted on August 02, 2015 at 15:12Hi, I'm using the stm32f407i . BOOT0-tied to GND by 1k resistor, BOOT1 tied to VDD by an 24k resistor NRST connected by a 100nF capacitor to GND,PDR_ON is floating. We assembled several cards: part of it operates we...

shlomo by Associate II
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STM32L052 changing battery

Posted on July 30, 2015 at 08:50Hello friends.I'am working on a project using STM32L052 and Nokia5110 display. It is a temperature controller. It will utilize RTC. It will work from two AA batteries.The question is what is the best way to change the...

baev_al by Associate II
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HAL Timer interrupt

Posted on July 30, 2015 at 19:24 Hello, I tried to use the Timer interrupt. In the examples of the STM Discovery they used the HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback handle function. But with this does'nt work (The don't used HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(T...

NUCLEO STM32F091RC - program doesn't run

Posted on August 02, 2015 at 09:56Hello. Program flashed with ST-LINK and Keil uVision 5.1 without any errors. The problem is program start only after several resets.  Anyone had similar problem? Thanks for any advice.

STM32CubeMX 4.9.0 and FW1.7.0

Posted on July 23, 2015 at 16:07Hey guys, does STM32F4, V1.7.0 work with CubeMX4.9.0? I have CubeMX4.7.0 and only can use FW V1.5.0 (known bug I know), so trying to determine if I should update to CubeMX4.9.0.....