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SPI problem reading ADC

Posted on May 18, 2015 at 10:19 I'am using three MAX11210 with a STM32L151VDT6 controller via SPI. I only want to read out the CTRL3 register which is by default 0x1E. If i read out the ADCs behind one another i read 0x1E, 0x1E and 0x1F... but n...

STM32F103 Usart receive strange problem

Posted on May 25, 2015 at 16:45 Hi there, I try to send data from PC to my stm32 board using RS232 but each time I send data to stm I get exactly same strange other data for sample: if i send 0x12 i receive 0xc4 always and if i s...

Question about memory mapping stm32F407VE

Posted on May 24, 2015 at 16:52Hello, i have a question, since i dont have much experience working with flash... The 32F407VE is 512kbytes flash size,   but when trying to read the content of the flash with ST LINK application, the flash range is on...

Bogdan by Senior
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RTC-STM32F0 wakeup timer with LSE

Posted on May 24, 2015 at 20:48I've startup a board using STM32F072 ( new with ST :) ) ,but cannot get the RTC wake up timer to work, i can see the RTC  Registers are moving using LSE 32K crystal in debug mode, thus RTC->DR increase every second.i w...

Failing to set up USART DMA TX

Posted on May 22, 2015 at 15:33 Hello, Can anyone help in pinpointing where and what I'm doing wrong when seting up USART DMA TX transmission. Working with STM32L152RB (STM32L discovery) and trying to setup USART1_TX overDMA1_Channel4,USA...

lauris by Associate II
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IAP and memory Jumping

Posted on May 25, 2015 at 20:52hello i am using an IAP program to load another program on stm32f4 device. the main program is an uCOS-II RTOS. I have one problem: at first there is no problem to go in to IAP program and then jump to main program. bu...


Posted on May 25, 2015 at 14:57 Hi, I'm working on the stm32f4discovery board, with the last version of keil µvision. I used library from stm32Cube. I have problem with CRC peripheral : I can't get a right result. My initial...

Counting The impulses sent via timers...

Posted on May 23, 2015 at 17:59Hi!I am working now on the project (STM32F429i board) where I need to profile the velocity of servo motor (i.e. trapezoidal velocity)... So I need to control the number of pulses I've sent via PWM channel, to control p...

magas09 by Associate II
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