STM32 Audio processing SW library
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 07:15Great to hear about that library, but some project examples will be useful.
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 07:15Great to hear about that library, but some project examples will be useful.
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 03:57 I'm using the HAL drivers for the first time and I'm trying to implement the UART protocol. I used the stm32f74g... examples for the UART and copied part of the uart-polling example. The problem I get is t...
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 13:15Hi there, I'm going to ask quiet an odd question , is it possible to program an other microcontroller (a pic) using an stm32f4 disco or st link in general. I hope someone can answer me.Many thankx !
Posted on July 09, 2015 at 22:17Hi All,I'm trying to drive some WS2812 LEDs which require a (400ns high + 800ns low) or (800ns high + 400ns low) signal to indicate a 1 or a 0.So esentially I'm trying to take an array of data and output it directly t...
Posted on July 14, 2015 at 23:53Is the filter for the CAN ''Networking'' demo configured to accept all CAN frames? #stm32 #can #example #code
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 15:25Hi all, I am using a STM32F103VEH MCU which controls an external PN512 (NXP semiconductors) NFC RF reader. The MCU and PN512 communicate over a 8-bit bidirectional parallel interface as databus to exchange information...
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 09:22I have recently got my hands on an STM32F4Disovery board for one of my project requirements. I am supposed to use it with a transceiver and be able to transmit packet. Although I have done a bit of programming, it is ...
Posted on July 10, 2015 at 20:59Hello ST developers,I still don't know why I switched to HAL drivers (probably because there is no STD drivers for F7 lines) but I read MANY, MANY bugs in HAL library for F4 and after starting developing generic libra...
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 14:02I have a STM32L151UC, I am compiling a project getting a Hex and and Elf file, I flash the Hex file using ST-Link Utility and St-Link/V2 and I can start it on debug mode over openocd and gdb, being able to print with ...
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 16:12Hi I have adapted the program found below from the example 7PWM_Output in the StdPeriph library examples. My aim is to create 3 PWM channels each with it's respective complimentary output as well as inserted dead time...