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STM32F4 Interrupt/DMA/Array issue

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 19:21 I'm having a problem where when I try to access an array from within a timer interrupt callback, everything seems to fall apart. To keep it simple, I have: Timer 2 is set up to interrupt every 10us. ...

STM32F410 new devices

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 09:32Hello,in new HAL drivers in Cube 1.8.0 for F4xx, I found some defines for STM32F410Tx, STM32F410Cx and STM32F410Rx. I didn't found anything on st site so I'm wondering if there will be new series and why is nothi...

tm3341 by Associate II
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STM32F205 TIM1 Problem

Posted on August 22, 2015 at 13:26 Hello, I have a problem with my initalisiation code for an STM32F205RB Microcontroller. I want to use four PWM Output Channels on the TIM1, but only the Channel 4 work properly. The other channels d...

tih by Associate
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Slave mode trigger on STM32F411RE

Posted on September 02, 2015 at 15:38Hi, I'm trying to enable the timer 2 on a rising edge of a signal that i have connect on the tim2_ch1. I understand that the slave trigger mode of the timer can do that. I want to generate a signal on the tim2_...

STM32F0 UART problem

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 11:22Hello,I'm using STM32F030 in my project. I'm using UART2 with Tx and Rx interrupts. While debugging, it works well but when i work it standalone, it stops before transmitting data and microcontroller probably sto...

IAP for STM32F0 using STM32Cube

Posted on September 02, 2015 at 15:04Hi, I am wondering if there is an example for IAP using cube for STM32F0? I have found an example for STM32F1 and modified it for my board, STM32F070rb nucleo. I can load an application using the iap, but I have ...

seed by Associate III
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How to Secure FW and keep IAP function

Posted on September 01, 2015 at 05:48Dear Sir:  My project use STM32F427. The project contains bootloader and main application. The bootloader can be used to update the main application.    Now I want to secure the application. I use Jlink secure ch...