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Forum Posts

RTC Calendar and Standby mode

Posted on November 25, 2015 at 19:51 Hi everybody We are using a STM32L152 microcontroller and we are regularly entering standby mode. Moreover, we are also using the RTC as a calendar powered by an external clock (LSE). In one case,themicro...

STM32F1 PWM wit DMA?

Posted on November 26, 2015 at 00:46 Můžete zadat text �?i webovou adresu nebo</div> Zobrazuje se překlad pro text Přeložit raději text If I understand correctly, the...

astrid by Associate II
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stm32f401re nucleo: PLL configuration

Posted on November 26, 2015 at 13:54Hello everybody!I'm trying to configure the main PLL to generate the max clock frequency (84 MHz on this board), and I'm using the HSI as PLL source.I made some test:- test1: HCLK=70 MHzM=16N=140P=2AHB_PR=1APB1_PR...

life758 by Associate II
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HardFault while implementing USB MSC device

Posted on January 24, 2015 at 11:33Hi,I used the CubeMX framework to implement a USB mass storage device for my STM32L1 device.I see that the code is issuing a hard fault when the laptop connected to the device is reading sectors from the device dur...

bnp979 by Associate III
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LPTIMx_CMP interrupt on STM32L476

Posted on November 17, 2015 at 20:07I'm trying to generate an interrupt on compare match of LowPower Timer. No luck until now, I tried everything using the HAL libraries, the AutoReload interrupt is correctly generated but not the compare match. Any...

Prinft and STM32F103z and STM32Cube?

Posted on November 17, 2015 at 15:28 I start with STM32F and create my first ''Hello Word'' application a have problem with printf. My dev.board is IDE Keil MDK-ARM 5.17 In the STM32Cube I cr...

UART example code for STM32F0

Posted on November 20, 2012 at 23:34Hello, I looking for some example code for communication between my ST-DISCOVERY F0 board and PC (UART). Can someone help me with it? I´m novice.Thank you

hospodar by Associate III
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