2016-01-13 2:03 AM
Hello all,
how can i distinguish a stm32f405 from a stm32f415? Can i read this ID in a register somewhere on the controller? Thanks for your help previously Litina2016-01-13 2:58 AM
Hi litina,
The STM32F405/415 lines have the same device identifier, the main difference is that the STM32F415 integrates a crypto/hash processor.So you can enable the clock of cryptographic module and then check the RCC_AHB2ENR register if the dedicated bit is set to 1 so it is 415 either its 405-Syrine-2016-01-13 4:36 AM
Hi Syrine,
thank you for your answer. I enabled the clock of cryptographic modul on both controller types by writing 0x10 in the AHB2ENR register. Afterwards I read the register 0x40023834. In both cases I read an 0x10. Is that the wrong register? Like expected on the 405 the coding didn't work and on 415 it worked. But how can I distinguish without really testing the conding?2016-01-13 5:38 AM
This is good behavior. Write somthing to hash and read back. Clock bit in RCC still exists. But registers of HASH don't.