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stm32F051 discovery Timer1 PWM

Posted on December 17, 2015 at 19:59 Hi, I am trying to get a PWM Signal out of my discovery board but I must be missing something. I started with a writingthe registers directly, then I tried it with the peripheral library. Ilooked at vario...

tergu by Associate II
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Programming Error on NOR Flash (STM32F7 Eval)

Posted on December 16, 2015 at 12:06Hi,We are having difficulty programming the external NOR flash on the STM32F7 Eval board from the  STLink utility - it appears to be a programming timing issue.It will program from 0x60000000 to say 0x600069D0 ok,...

AndyJT by Associate III
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No FreeRTOS user-defined info for F746

Posted on December 17, 2015 at 21:29I just downloaded the latest versions of STM32CubeMX (v4.12) and STM32CubeF7 (v1.3).  The package will not generate the task, queue, mutex, semaphore information for the STM32F746 device. The freertos.c file has n...

kevin2399 by Associate III
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Controlling a touchscreen with a STM32F103RB

Posted on December 11, 2015 at 20:26Hello I want to control a touchscreen using a STM32F103RB on a NUCLEO-F103RB development board. I've done a search on the internet and am struggling to know where to start. I did find a promising website (http://z...

ron_w by Associate III
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STM32F7 24-Bit TFT and SDRAM (No DQM lines)

Posted on December 13, 2015 at 21:16Hi guys, I am using the STM32F746ZGT6 with a 24Bit RGB-TFT and an external SDRAM memory. In CubeMX I have seen, that I cant use the DQM lines together with the full 24-Bit wide bus for the TFT. I want to use the ...

dennis23 by Associate II
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DFU through USB Memory Issue

Posted on December 16, 2015 at 10:20I've been trying to upgrade the firmware on my STM32F105 project by using DFU through USB. The problem is that I need to read ADC using DMA for both the boot code (to check whether some switches are set right to a...

could not able to compile code in keil

Posted on December 16, 2015 at 19:50Hi,i m using stm32f103 nucleo board and keil compiler. I downloaded code from keil website for uart. and tried to compile the code but got error as some files are missing. following are the errors.C:\Keil_v5\ARM\P...

SS.Sagar by Associate III
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STM32CubeMX Bug in Code Generation for NucleoF072

Posted on December 15, 2015 at 19:10There is a defect in the initialisation code that STM32CubeMZ generates for an STM32F072RB target if the high-speed external clock is selected.  For some reason the code expects a value for constant 'HSI48_VALUE...