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Different USB behaviour with Hard Reset and JTAG reset

Posted on January 20, 2016 at 16:51Hello all, This problem is baffling me for quite some time. I have a STM32L151VGT6 device, running as a VCP device on USB. If I use the device with a debugger, everything is fine. I can transfer hundreds of megaby...

srdjan by Associate II
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Is it possible for STM32L4 to use PMSM FOC Library?

Posted on January 21, 2016 at 13:58I'm trying to build a servo amplifier using STM32L4. The reason I'm using this series is because it has DFSDM (Digital Filter for Sigma-Delta Modulators). The FOC SDK 4.2 is not support STM32L4, however, the L4 ha...

gtopba by Associate II
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STM32F0 CAN in slave mode. Is it possible?

Posted on January 19, 2015 at 07:42Hello everyone! Help me, please. I've got STM32F042K6T6. Can I use it in an endpoint device? Here is only CAN interface, is it possible to use it as slave? Thanks! #slave #bxcan #stm32f0 #slave #bus #can #can

serkodog by Associate II
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CubeMX and ADC Synchronous / 2

Posted on January 19, 2016 at 19:15Device:  STM32F030F4P  20 PinTool:  STM32CubeMX Version 4.12Using 8 Mhz external Crystal.  I arbitrarily set the clock configuration so that the APB1 Peripheral clock to 3 Mhz.Using ADC 1,4,6,7  -- On the configura...


Posted on January 19, 2016 at 20:22Hello. I'm testing STM32F7 discovery. The library is STemWin 5.28. I try to test WeatherForecast (the example form the Segger web site). The compiller gives a lot of errors concerning animation. Is it not included ...

baev_al by Associate II
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[F103] RTC_ALR not preserved after reset

Posted on January 21, 2016 at 01:03I have a problem with RTC_ALR behaviour. The RM0008 in 18.3.2 says:All system registers are asynchronously reset by a System Reset or Power Reset, except for RTC_PRL, RTC_ALR, RTC_CNT, and RTC_DIV.  The RTC_PRL, RT...

ziutek by Associate
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