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Forum Posts

STM32F37x synchronizing ADC & DAC by DMA

Posted on March 06, 2016 at 22:00Dear Community,I am trying to find a way to synchronize DMA2_channel3 + DAC1ch1 and DMA1_Channel1 + ADC1 for analog output of a set of data via the DAC and simultaneously recording a system’s response using the ADC. ...

jogerh by Associate II
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STM32F103 DAC ADC won't run concurrently

Posted on March 09, 2016 at 10:14 I have a thread set up to constantly read 18 ADCs across ADC and ADC3 and fill them into arrays. void TSK_AdcSensor(void const *argument){ ADC1_Configuration(); ADC3_Configuration(); //Clear the ADC value...

I2S Full Duplex + DMA

Posted on March 10, 2016 at 10:36Hello , I want to configure I2s full duplex mode for  Audio Codec with SPI3 module. As per Manual, if  I2S module is in Master TX mode , I2Sext module would be in Slave Rx mode . Now my audio codec has been configure...


Posted on March 09, 2016 at 11:55Hi,   I have successfully configure CAN2 in STM32F429ZI discovery board. But when I am trying to transmit message it goes to transmit pending state. I have configure the baudrate of 500k at PCLK1 frequency 45MHz. I a...

Placing functions in ITCM RAM with IAR toolchain

Posted on January 20, 2016 at 20:18I'm prototyping a DSP application on an STM32F7 Discovery board.  I'd like to move some critical filtering code into ITCM RAM, but not having any success. In IAR, I name a new section and place some functions there...

mhaun by Associate II
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hse external oscilator on stm32f0discovery

Posted on March 01, 2016 at 12:12Hi,I would like to add the external crystal 8 mhz on stm32f0discoveryCould you confirm crystal load capacitance should be 30pf to be compatiblewith 20pf for C14 and C13 and 390 ohm R22 ?Thanks

all by Associate II
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Sync PWM timers together

Posted on March 09, 2016 at 12:23Hello there, I am trying to write a stepper motor driver on STM32F4 platform. I intend to use TIM1 (channel 1, 2 and 3) and TIM8 (channel 1) for driving the motor. I have noticed that after configuration the timers f...

DMA Memory Increment mode overflow

Posted on March 09, 2016 at 16:37 Hi, I am using the DMA for transfer data from ADC converter to external memory RAM. The DMA is configured in incremental mode so every time that I read data from ADC converter they are stored in a differ...

fausto by Associate
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Jump to custom bootloader SysTick doesn't work

Posted on November 04, 2015 at 14:02 Hi all, Let me tell you of the configuration hat works: I have a custom bootloader (via USB or USART). The system boots from the bootloader (0x8000000), sees there is a valid application (ther...