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EXTI_IRQ with USerButton problem

Posted on October 31, 2015 at 15:42 Hello there! I have designed a custom board, and what I'd like to do is that when I press the UserButton, a LED lights up.Now, my button is connected to PC0 pin on my STM32F429 controller, and the LED i...

STM32F4 Discovery LEDs

Posted on May 25, 2016 at 13:00Good morning,Whenever I connect my board via usb, the COM LED lights up solid blue and the LD2 lights up solid green. Does this indicate an error (I'm asking because I haven't been able to get the board to work for a c...

Flash programming FLASH_CR_PER bit not clearing

Posted on May 26, 2016 at 03:06When I try to program flash, I can erase it OK and at the end of erasing I clear the FLASH_CR_PER bit in the FLASH->CR register.When I come to program a pair of half words, I get no errors (FLASH_SR_WRPERR and FLASH_SR...

How can I program my new Discovery board

Posted on May 30, 2016 at 18:38I just purchased a STM32F429I discovery board.  I need to modify the provided software to produce a custom graphics demo for my client.  I downloaded tools from the Keil link on the ST-site, but the libraries are much ...

news by Associate II
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SPI STM32F091 Sending an Data Array

Posted on May 30, 2016 at 19:56 Hello everyone, I have some serious problems i want to send an array of data with SPI but that doesn't work i used the code from the snippet but i changed it a little bit but it doesn't work also in the cod...

sander by Associate
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MSI calibration and MSICAL register

Posted on May 27, 2016 at 15:16Hello, I'm calibrating my MSI clock when I'm switching frequencies, and I noticed that whenever I write a value to MSITRIM register, MSICAL automatically changes value too. The reference maual states that this is a rea...

srdjan by Associate II
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independent watchdog

Posted on May 30, 2016 at 14:26Hi i am using stm32f4 and i would like to know, Is there a way to identify  how many times stm32f4 resets using independent watchdog ?

arunease by Associate II
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