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Forum Posts

sinus pwm wrong frequency

Posted on June 16, 2016 at 14:26Hi.I am using discovery board with STM32F100; I have made a code to generate a sinusoidal waveform through pwm via lookup table method.I think I miss something in computing the output frequency of the sine wave.Here i...

ionutF by Associate III
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ADC continuous conversion STM32F103

Posted on June 16, 2016 at 16:43 I'm facing with a problem regarding continuous acquisition of ADC channel in STM32F I use the interrupt at the end of conversion to call a callback function to store the acquired value. The problem regards t...

Fede Rico by Associate III
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Interrupt Management

Posted on June 16, 2016 at 13:17Hello EveryoneI am trying to run my code on stm32f4, with use of interrupt routines. I have an 9dof imu including mpu6050,hmc588,bmp058. So i am interfacing 3 EXTI rsubroutine to read imu and this has been successfull...

Install u-boot on stm32f4 discovery board

Posted on June 15, 2016 at 17:43Hello guys, I'm trying to install u-boot on my development board STM32F407 . After loading the binary image, the UART1 interface does not work . I'm using the version available from the website emcraft for the board S...

rs23 by Associate II
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UART DMA INT is not working

Posted on June 16, 2016 at 10:30 Hi, I'm facing a strange problem with UART DMA int in a FreeRTOS-based project. When I call the DMA setup function (below) from a given FreeRTOS task, it works just fine and the ISR is executed. However...

asaad by Associate
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GPIO speed settings

Posted on June 16, 2016 at 08:28Hi. I would like to ask if speed setting of a pin in GPIO->OSPEEDR register is relevant also if a pin is configured in input/alternate mode? Or is this setting relevant only for output mode? I am asking specifically f...

matic by Associate III
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