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Forum Posts

STM32F101 current draw in Stop mode

Posted on September 21, 2016 at 17:42I discovered ~450uA additional current draw coming from the STM32F101 in Stop mode.  This condition occurs when an external pin interrupt from a peripheral goes active during Stop mode even though the NVIC is dis...

STM32F4 Flash data cache prefetch possible?

Posted on September 20, 2016 at 15:11Is it possible to prefetch flash data to the ART data cache without stalling execution? As far as I can see the only possibility is using DMA, probably using the DMA2D engine.  So the idea is not to copy data fro...

STM32F0x: ADC single conversion triggered by OC

Posted on September 20, 2016 at 13:55Hi thereI am trying to set up the output compare value of timer3 in my STM32F030 to trigger a single channel, single shot ADC conversion every 60ms. I'd like to use the HAL drivers (see UM1785, I am bulding the p...

stanzanim by Associate III
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TIM9 External Clock Source Mode 1

Posted on September 20, 2016 at 16:14Hello, I try to count impulses from a rotating motor (pulse length: 280 us) I use STM32CubeMX (Version 4.16.1; STM32Cube V1.0) to configure the STM32F746. I configured TIM9 slave mode for external clock source mo...

Strange reading over SPI

Posted on May 15, 2015 at 19:15Hi, I'm porting an implementation of SD over spi to stm2 using Cube library. It seems that the communication micro to sd card is ok, it seems that the sd card answers like it should but it looks like the microcontroler...

JulienD by Senior
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USART->DMA using STM32F3 Discovery

Posted on September 20, 2016 at 21:49Hi, I've been struggling to get interrupt for DMA working. I got it working for USART interrupt. I'm configuring for USART1 and DMA1_Channel5. My problem is that I don't get an interrupt for the DMA. So is ther...

heinz by Associate II
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