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SRAM - how to find its address ?

Posted on October 10, 2016 at 22:40Hello,I have created with cube new sram display device, and I have its generated code,But I can't find the address which correspond to this device.How should I find it ? I also made search in internet and forum but...

ranran by Senior II
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Jumping to flash address in other bank

Posted on October 12, 2016 at 15:07 Hi! I work on a Nucelo 144, with STM32F4 I try to make a jump starting from the start application (sector 1, address 0x8000000, bank 1) to another application contained in Sector 17 ( address 0x8120000, ba...

STM32F746ZGT6 SDRAM data misaligned

Posted on October 11, 2016 at 23:31I'm having an issue using the FMC to access the SDRAM on an IS4216400J DRAM chip. When I read back the data, it seems the values are misaligned by a half-word. For example, here's some test code I am using:  __IO u...

STM32F030 - Timer freeze when debugging

Posted on August 01, 2016 at 14:02Hello,I use an STM32F030 in the current project and I need timer 1 to stop during debugging (breakpoints, execution stop). It does not matter whether the pwm outputs stop in hi or lo, they just need to stop.After se...

ib by Associate II
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SNMP client (not agent) examples?

Posted on October 04, 2016 at 19:25HelloI've searched almost everywhere but I can't find any example of an SNMP client code. What I'm trying to do is to issue simple SNMP Get/GetNext/Walk commands from an STM32F429 (lwIP) in order to query values fr...

bhakan by Associate II
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Low power mode for STM32F101

Posted on July 12, 2011 at 19:22Hi All,I need to put a unit into a low power mode (< 300uA), then be able to periodically wake it using either a 1Hz tick from the 32.768kHz crystal, or from a transition on any of the pins PC4 through PC7.The system ...

STM32 F3 Discovery USART(s) difficulties

Posted on October 11, 2016 at 10:42I am not able to receive data with any usart (usart1, usart3) with interrupts.The RXNE interrupt never gets asserted and therefore the interrupt is never called. I have jumpered the TX/RX terminal in ''loopback'' f...

STM32L051 PLL limit with HSI

Posted on October 11, 2016 at 21:00Using an STM32L051, I am unable to generate a 32MHz system clock from from the PLL using the HSI as the clock source.  I can generate up to 24MHz without trouble, but any attempt to generate higher frequencies resu...

_dalbert by Associate III
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