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Forum Posts

VCP RS485 mode

Posted on December 16, 2015 at 10:48I am trying to make a USB-Serial converter. I need some help about communication via RS485. Device Manager properties of a serial converter different brand shows RS485 checkbox and works fine. But STM32 VCP doesn'...

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Bit RFWRA in register MACDBGR is never set!!!!!!

Posted on November 15, 2016 at 05:56Hi!I have LAN8720, STM32F4DISCOVERY, CP2102I connected PC-LAN8720, LAN8720-STM32F4DISC, STM32F4DISC-CP2102, CP2102-PC.I wrote such program for STM32F407://Ethernet/*************************************************...

STM32F446RE Nucleo 64

Posted on October 24, 2016 at 16:39Hi Guys,i try to experiment a bit with the USB CDC library. Sadly I don't get it to work out of the box after I configured everything in STMCubeMX.I tried to learn something from the F4 firmware libraray tutorial p...

Resetting a timer with external pin

Posted on November 14, 2016 at 18:12Folks, I have been using an STM32 in a 100 pin package and using the PE0 pin which is the TIM4_ETR to reset timer 4 when the external line goes low.  I'm thus able to have a timer interrupt go off when the externa...

DiBosco by Senior II
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STM32 Workshop query

Posted on November 07, 2016 at 12:09HI.  In August accepted an invitation to STM32 development ecosystem hands-on workshop due to take place tomorrow 8th November 2016 in Dublin, Ireland However I haven't received any further information whatsoever...

eddy by Associate II
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STM32F030C8T6 with M35 Modem Usart2 Receiving Problem

Posted on November 14, 2016 at 12:25 Hi, I have connected STM32f030c8t6 with M35 modem using Usart 2 , Stn32f0 transmits the Command Successfully, but it can't retrive the reply given by the modem. This my code. I have tested this code wi...

raj11 by Associate II
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ULPI PHY issue with STM32F429

Posted on November 14, 2016 at 16:19Hi All,I have a USB3333 connected to a STM32F429. I can't seem to get the PHY to enumerate in high speed mode - it always falls back to full speed. My code is using the ST cube example with minor modifications (pi...

STM32 L471 Flash Cache Error

Posted on November 14, 2016 at 14:10I have found an error in flash cache perhaps. I write to the same flash bank as the code is run from (with cube flash code). From time to time some 64bit areas in flash are filled with random nonsense (in the area...

damh by Associate II
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program can't reach main(), stucks in arm-none-eabi lib

Posted on November 14, 2016 at 13:50Hello,I'm trying to start debugging of the program on my bare-metal board but program runs somewhere in arm-none-eabi libraries without source code (particularly in __divsi3 or __aeabi_dadd) and I cannot catch it ...

oko by Associate II
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