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Nucleo f429zi after st-link removal

Posted on August 29, 2016 at 11:04Hello,I have a following problem, I have a Nucleo f429zi board and after ST-link removal I am unable to run code on it. I've chcecked the solder bridges, I'm using SWO - the debbuging seems to be fine, the cpu is st...

SimonP by Associate II
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stm32f107 - SPI ''reinit'' not working

Posted on February 14, 2016 at 21:24 Hi, i write bootloader with sdcard upgrade option. During first bootloader start (after power on, or MCU programming using stm-vldiscovery programmer) everything works well. When I restart MCU using N...

STM32F0 Comparator Output issue

Posted on September 02, 2016 at 19:53I am unable to get any output from the COMP1 comparator on an STM32F072RB on any pin other than PA0. The datasheet ''STM32F072x8 STM32F072xB'' states on pg 41 that COMP1_OUT should be available on pins PA0 PA6 an...


Posted on September 01, 2016 at 05:34Hello, We bought 10 of these boards and want to run USB host and log screen outputs through UART6 to Hyperterminal. When we run the USB host example, things work fine. When we run UART_com_IT standalone, things w...

STM32F101 current draw in Stop mode

Posted on September 21, 2016 at 17:42I discovered ~450uA additional current draw coming from the STM32F101 in Stop mode.  This condition occurs when an external pin interrupt from a peripheral goes active during Stop mode even though the NVIC is dis...

STM32F4 Flash data cache prefetch possible?

Posted on September 20, 2016 at 15:11Is it possible to prefetch flash data to the ART data cache without stalling execution? As far as I can see the only possibility is using DMA, probably using the DMA2D engine.  So the idea is not to copy data fro...