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Forum Posts


Posted on November 14, 2016 at 20:52I needed to make a basic bulk device, so the natural starting point appeared to be a CubeMX generated CDC project.   Really, I was stunned by the number of custom files generated:usb_device.h usbd_desc.husbd_cdc_...

Geoffrey1 by Associate III
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stm32f429 register value edit

Posted on December 11, 2016 at 13:44Hi,I want to change the RTC->ISR register value but i could not change it (RTC->ISR = 0xFFFFFFFF etc...). Besides i can change TIM4->CCR1 value. Why rtc register value can not be chaged? Any advise??

er3481 by Senior
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Resolved! reading STM32L15x program counter (with HAL defines?)

Posted on December 12, 2016 at 16:23Question - What is the safest way to 'peek' at the STML152 program counter? Ideally something in the standard HAL files (so no ASM; I am working under AC6 in C). I wish my code to understand if it was loaded/is ru...

STM32F401 - problems with SPI bootloader.

Posted on September 18, 2014 at 18:35Hello!Please, help me! I want to use SPI-bootloader in STM32F401 to update firmware in this controller.But controller returns wrong answers.For my experiments I use demoboard NUCLEO F401RE and application note AN...

Using SPI Bootloader of STM32L476RG

Posted on December 09, 2016 at 12:08Hi allI'm trying to use the SPI Bootloader of the STM32L476RG.To do so, I set up an other STM32 device running an SPI master (Frame Format = Motorola, Data Size = 8 Bits, First Bit = MSB First, Baud Rate = 62.5 KB...