2017-01-31 1:02 AM
Hi, everyone! I am writing code for a NucleoF303K8,using std periph lib . I am trying to output PWM via the D3 pin, which is PB0 of the chip. It doesn't work. So I try to find out what's wrong. But when checking the clocks, I found the TIM3 Clock's Freq is 0.
Here is I have done:
1) using the code below to get all the clocks:
RCC_ClocksTypeDef board_clocks;
2) checking the sysclk:
the board_clocks.SYSCLK_Frequency is 72000000
3) checking the TIM1 clock
the board_clocks.TIM1CLK_Frequency is 72000000
4) checking the PCLK1:
the board_clocks.PCLK1_Frequency is 36000000
5) checking the HCLK
the board_clocks.HCLK_Frequency is 72000000
6) checking the TIM3 Clock
the board_clocks.TIM3CLK_Frequency is 0
Now I can't figure out what's wrong and what I miss.
Waiting a little help from the forum!
2017-01-31 2:10 AM
This seems to be a bug in SPL
#ifdef STM32F303xE
uint32_t apb1presc = 0; apb1presc = APBAHBPrescTable[tmp]; /* TIM2CLK clock frequency */ if(((RCC->CFGR3 & RCC_CFGR3_TIM2SW) == RCC_CFGR3_TIM2SW)&& (RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency == pllclk) \ && (apb1presc == ahbpresc)) { /* TIM2 Clock is pllclk */ RCC_Clocks->TIM2CLK_Frequency = pllclk * 2 ; } else { /* TIM2 Clock is APB2 clock. */ RCC_Clocks->TIM2CLK_Frequency = RCC_Clocks->PCLK1_Frequency; } /* TIM3CLK clock frequency */ if(((RCC->CFGR3 & RCC_CFGR3_TIM3SW) == RCC_CFGR3_TIM3SW)&& (RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency == pllclk) \ && (apb1presc == ahbpresc)) { /* TIM3 Clock is pllclk */ RCC_Clocks->TIM3CLK_Frequency = pllclk * 2; } else { /* TIM3 Clock is APB2 clock. */ RCC_Clocks->TIM3CLK_Frequency = RCC_Clocks->PCLK1_Frequency; }#endif /* STM32F303xE */JW2017-01-31 4:53 AM
Hi, JW! Thanks for help. I am not sure that it is the bug in the RCC_GetClocksFreq(...), my project do not enable the macro STM32F303xE, but the STM32F334x8. Maybe I can read directly from the registers to figure out. Thank you!
2017-01-31 4:54 AM
Hello Li JW,
Are you using CubeMX to generate your skeleton code ?
Which version are you using ?
Could you attach your .ioc file ?
Are you working on Win, Linux or Mac machine ?
Great thanks in advance.
Kind regards
2017-01-31 5:14 AM
> my project do not enable the macro STM32F303xE, but the STM32F334x8
That's why the code above does not get executed, resulting in xxx.TIM3CLK_Frequency not being set.