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STM32F767 FMC data over write?

Posted on June 23, 2016 at 00:33Hello,I am working with the Nucleo-144 but I seem to be having a data overwrite issue with the FMC. At first I was having a problem getting the LCD to show anything. I found I needed to insert a delay between each com...

Resolved! Nucleo-STM32F303K8 board

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 05:14 Hi, I just got the stm32f303k8 nucleo board to play with! I'm trying to enable the HSE in order for the board to use the on-board oscillator (X2), however it doesn't seem like it wants to turn ON. I'm using Ke...

How to declare a struct in CCM

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 18:10 Hello, I work on a STM32F4 and I want use the CCM memory to declare my structures. For example I want this kind of structure to be always declared in the CCM memory: typedef struct Assign_Pot Assign_Pot; ...

jean by Senior
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STM32 Spi CLock Problem

Posted on December 13, 2016 at 17:00Hello! Im trying to comunicate via SPI with my AT25f4096 Flash Memory. Im using stm32f103 hal mode. It seems to be that the Clock is not working well. As you will see in the attachment, its not 'constant'. What po...


Posted on November 09, 2014 at 12:20 Dear All My following program blinks the LED using systick timer,while after ten times blink the LED the MCU should goes to sleep mode please advice to configure sleep method #include 'stm32f0xx....

pic_micro by Associate II
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Is this possible with complementary PWM?

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 12:43 Hello everyone, I want to ask something about Advanced Control Timers. In RM0008, I saw an example (Fig. 95) but I can't understand how it is possible. I tried an example and my PWM signals (ex. on Fig. 95...

Cemre . by Associate II
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Interupt responstime issue stm32f429 vs stm32f767

Posted on December 14, 2016 at 14:36hello,I'am use for a project the stm32f429. The interrupt handler must react so soon as possible.The stm32f429 interrupt responstime is 218ns.It's  fast but not fast enough. I decided to make a new design with the...

Hans T by Associate III
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STM32F4 TIM1 One Shot Mode configuration

Posted on November 29, 2016 at 23:27Greetings,I am trying to achieve the following with TIM1 and TIM1_CH1:1. Generate X number of PWM pulses after an event.2. Idle state of PWM output should be low.3. Pulse output should be high immediately after PW...

rcstang by Associate
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