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Forum Posts

how can i read rising pr falling edge status in timer

Posted on April 20, 2017 at 08:39Hi everyone,I have setup a timer in an input capture mode on both edges(rising and falling) and just would like to know when the interrupt is triggered wether its a rising edge or a falling edge. any hal library macr...

Raider E by Associate III
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Using DMA with hal_SD and FATFS

Posted on April 18, 2017 at 17:44Hi,I'm trying to develop application using STM32F205 to transfer files between SD card and Flash Memory, I'm using CubeMX and FATFS API, The problem is the data rate is about 0.55 MB/s when copying from SD card to fl...

Nested interrupts - STM32F7

Posted on April 18, 2017 at 11:28Hi,I am trying to configure the STM32F7 to work with a Timer and a SPI to transfer data using DMA.The idea is to use the TIM6 to trigger the SPI so I start the SPI data transmission inside the timer interrupt handler...

Timer interrupt IRQHandler error.

Posted on April 19, 2017 at 14:28Hello,I'm tring to reset a LED register with a timer (TIM4) interrupt, but TIM4_IRQHandler(void); fucntion it's never launch, the code that i'm using is: (mi board es STM32f429I-DISC1).Some one can help me please?Tha...

sim900 serial communication doesn't work

Posted on April 16, 2017 at 13:03Hi, I'm trying to configure sim900 serial communication with stm32f401re but it seems that it doesn't receive any serial command, source code i'm using: (tried with differents port combi...

eclipse IDE cannot flash device

Posted on April 14, 2017 at 19:26I have been using the AC6 eclipse IDE on Nucleo F411RE for some time. About every week or two it locks up the system and I have to power cycle to get my computer back :(Last time this happened, I has to reinstall the...

estie by Associate II
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The problem with ethernet on STM32F407

Posted on April 06, 2017 at 23:50Hi all!I want to study the ethernet on STM32F407!I have the working board with lan8720, stm32f407 and LEDI connected this board to PC through Ethernet cable/First, I want to know,,that frames from PC are written to R...