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Forum Posts

STM32F107 Interrupt crash

Posted on March 30, 2017 at 17:44Hi to all,I have a problem about interrupt, expecially USART interrupt.I use USART1 to interface my boarf to computer (FT232), but often my routine crashes.Here is the code:uint16_t iocnt = 0;extern 'C' void USART1_I...

STM32L475/476 mbed OS

Posted on March 30, 2017 at 17:03Hi! ST32L476 Discovery Board is an mbed OS enabled board. If i have only an L476 MCU in my hardware design (no in-circuit debugger, but LQFP100 as well) so technically it is not a board, will my device still be mbed ...

Error programming STM32F43xxx embedded flash

Posted on March 30, 2017 at 15:57On STM32F43xxx MPU If I try to program the embedded flash (with any value) without erasing it first, the HAL_FLASH_Program function does not return an error. Is this the expected behavior?#hal_flash_program-stm32f43

Calibrating A/D on STM32L0

Posted on March 29, 2017 at 21:16Hi   Ive been looking through documentation (and web sites), and testing some code on using the A/D on the STM32L0 processor. As the chip I am using uses the VDD as the reference voltage I am currently calculating th...

CubeMX and Keil Project Settings

Posted on January 19, 2017 at 14:26It seems that CubeMX is getting better about retaining some of the Keil project settings upon regeneration of the code.  There is an issue that I just came across.  We sometimes use multiple named Project Targets i...

Save app data in STM32L4

Posted on March 30, 2017 at 10:47Hello,I would like to save application data into flash area in order to be preserved, so data should be there when removing voltage and applying voltage to device again.Which is the best option for this purpose? How ...