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Forum Posts

Resolved! Microsecond timer using Tim3

Posted on June 24, 2017 at 02:22 Hello, I think variation of this question has been asked a couple of time, but i'm trying to understand why what I am writing is not working. Because I want to get some experience with the HAL librairies I go...


Posted on June 25, 2017 at 22:38Hi,I have been working on this for 2 days trying to figure out why my application just stops. After looking at posts on this forum, and other places, and reading the STM32F4 reference manual, I see no problems with my...

Problems with HRTIM on STM32F334

Posted on June 20, 2017 at 10:34I write since I have a problem using HRTIM with the Nucleo F334R8 development board.The firmware is developed using System Workbench for STM32, using the STM32 HAL libraries (and code Snippet for HRTIM). The MCU clock...

Resolved! ARR and CCR update time

Posted on June 24, 2017 at 12:51 I need to vary the frequency and duty cycle of a pwm using stm32f Inside the 'pulse finished' pwm callback i've tried the following code HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED5_PORT, LED5_PIN, GPIO_PIN_RESET); //tentative 1 //T...

STM32F7 DCMI not geting FrameEvent

Posted on June 25, 2017 at 18:46Hi,I'm working on the STM32F769I-Eval board and trying to get frames from the ov7740 using the DCMI and DMA (stream 2 channel 1). my problem is as so: the ov7740 is in VGA format (640 x 480). when I'm trying to use th...

SD Card interface with STM32F303

Posted on September 06, 2016 at 08:13Hello,I want to interface a SD card with stm32f303. Please help me how to interface sd card with microcontroller. Also I want to read the data on my laptop, do I need a file system because windows can read in FAT...

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STM32F334, DAC Out and Comparator

Posted on June 24, 2017 at 21:14Hi,Looking at STM32F3348-Discovery_FW_V1.0.0\Projects\Demonstration\main.cand AN4885 (en.DM00115322.pdf)Looking at overcurrent protection with COMP4(+)(PB.0) connected to Current SenseI am wondering whether the DAC Ou...