2017-08-01 04:35 PM
Reference manual RM0351 STM32L4xx, section 8.4.9 and 8.4.10 GPIO registers AFRL and AFRH are not defined in the stm32l4xx.h file, except as __IO uint32_t AFR[2]; /*!< GPIO alternate function registers, Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
so building will fail because GPIOx->AFRL or GPIOx->AFRH are not defined. GPIOx->AFR[0] gives me the low and ->AFR[1] gives me the high.
2017-08-01 06:49 PM
You understand that the AFR[2] representation makes the C code and application of these registers more efficient?
2017-08-01 08:58 PM
I figured that out after the fact. I'm just trying to dump registers so I can learn why my stuff doesn't work. I always feel that I'm reinventing the wheel here.
GPIOA->MODER: 0xABFFB7AE 10101011111111111011011110101110
PIN 0: Alternate function mode PIN 1: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 2: Alternate function mode PIN 3: Alternate function mode PIN 4: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 5: GPO mode PIN 6: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 7: Alternate function mode PIN 8: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 9: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 10: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 11: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 12: Analog mode (reset state) PIN 13: Alternate function mode PIN 14: Alternate function mode PIN 15: Alternate function modeGPIOA->AFR[0]: 0x20007701 00100000000000000111011100000001
PIN 0: AF1 PIN 1: AF0 PIN 2: AF7 PIN 3: AF7 PIN 4: AF0 PIN 5: AF0 PIN 6: AF0 PIN 7: AF2GPIOA->AFR[1]: 0x00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 PIN 8: AF0 PIN 9: AF0 PIN 10: AF0 PIN 11: AF0 PIN 12: AF0 PIN 13: AF0 PIN 14: AF0 PIN 15: AF0I'm trying to figure out why pwm input capture isn't triggering an interrupt and your advice is always read the registers. At this point im just fleshing out what the registers mean, for GPIO and TIM so far.
I'm probably the only idiot doing things this way, otherwise there'd be some kind of tool for this in the Cube repository...right(??)
2017-08-02 03:48 AM
GPIOx->AFRL or GPIOx->AFRH are not defined
Good point IMO. I got used to it over the years, but you are perfectly right: the headers should 100% reflect the manual and vice versa.
I have this same problem with how BSRx is treated in the headers.
I'm probably the only idiot doing things this way,
I use the debugger for the same purpose, watching and manipulating directly the peripherals' registers, but it's a fact that it can be intrusive.
Your method is being employed for ages, both as ad-hoc in-program debugging tool and in monitors, which sort of fell out of fashion when the cheapo debuggers working with on-chip debugging facilities came in.
2017-08-02 09:34 AM
If TIM1 or TIM8, you have to explicitly enable PWM Output (Input)