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STLink detection issue with STM32F417IGH6 chip

Posted on September 21, 2017 at 15:20I am using STM32F417IGH6 chip with ST-LINk V2, but ST-link is not detecting in the STM32 ST-Link utility software to program the ST. What all I should look into Hardware wise. I have checked the power, reset, eve...

STM32F429 NVIC Register Question

Posted on September 15, 2017 at 15:03I want to know the NVIC RegisterThere is a description of GPIO and INTERRUPT in the Reference DataSheet, but there is no description of NVIC RegisterWhere can I find the details of the Register below?typedef stru...

Resolved! GPIO to DMA when triggered by external clock

Posted on September 22, 2017 at 10:17Morning everyone,I was initially using a DMA via SPI to communicate with an ADC, although my design has shifted slightly and ill be using two fast I/O GPIO pins on the nucleo f446re to read in data coming from tw...

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STM32H743 Rev. Y and system memory

Posted on September 05, 2017 at 10:13Hello,by chance I got hold of a NUCLEO-H753ZI board. Using STLINK V2J28M18, I can read memory and flash as expected. But reading system memory at 0x1ff00000 gives 'Device Memory not accessible'. As another indica...

Resolved! Error Correcting Code (ECC) in STM32L4

Posted on September 22, 2017 at 10:32Hi,I have a question which i'm not able to find an understandable answer in the datasheet. The STM32L4 seems to have an Error Correction Code function embedded inside its Flash memory.According to an ST powerpoin...

STM32F103 External Switch Interrupt Problem

Posted on September 21, 2017 at 11:41My aim is to generate interrupts on various pins of STM32F103 Nucleo-64, for that i used these steps as mentioned bellow , In cubeMx firstly i used 5 pins which are connected to switches and configured them as GP...

touch sense TSC documentation

Posted on February 07, 2017 at 12:10Hiwhere do I see which STM32 has how many TSC channels? In this document: UM1913 User manual: Developing applications on STM32Cube with STMTouch� touch sensing librarySTM32L083VBTx is not listed!But in STM32CubeMX...

EEPROM in bank 2 erased

Posted on September 22, 2017 at 10:36Hello there,i am trying to use the EEPROM emulation on a STM32F429I (2MB). So i am using the example files.On the first try i used section 10/11(bank1) for page0 page1. The example worked fine for me but  i dont ...

How to design a TSC pcb layot?

Posted on June 07, 2017 at 14:26Hi, I'm working on TSC whit STM32F051,  I 'm going to desing TSC pcb layot, i read the AN4312, that explain how to design, but doesnt include details. My the must problem is about shielding. For example what is Driven...

stm32F051 Touch TSC with cubeMX

Posted on November 20, 2014 at 10:33 Hello, i try to develop a touch interface with the stm32f051 and want to use the stm32CubeMX Software. I want to do it with an interrupt and have the generated code in my IAR. My question is, where i c...

uli by Associate II
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